Wednesday 19 November 2014

Salted Peanut Butter Brownies

These salted peanut butter brownies are so easy to make! You just need to bake brownies using your favourite brownie recipe. I used a brownie recipe from and did not include the walnuts. This brownie recipe that I used is neat because it uses vegetable oil rather than butter so it's good to use if you're running low on butter. Once the brownies have cooled, spread peanut butter over them and sprinkle sea salt on top. 

When I made these brownies, my family and I wanted to eat them right away so we spread the peanut butter on them while they were still warm and the peanut butter melted into gooey yumminess! I didn't chop up all of the brownies right away, though, so the next day they were harder to lift from the pan so I would recommend cutting them all when they are cool but still soft.

Chocolate paired with salt and peanut butter creates an amazing blend of flavours! Enjoy!


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